
Put me in a Movie Cover

by Mia Shelton (Lizzy Grant aka Lana Del Rey Cover)

Hey! Here's another cover for you all to listen to. It was recorded on my phone once again, so I apologize for the white noise in the background. I hope you enjoy this cover of one of LDR's songs before she became LDR. 


Girl From the North Country Cover

by Mia Shelton (Bob Dylan Cover)

I'm back again with another very raw recording done on - you guessed it - my phone. This recording was done around the same time as the Lana Del Rey cover, so needless to say, I took a similar approach with it. This song has always been and still is one of my favorites ever. Bob always finds a way to make me teary-eyed with this song. 


Terrence Loves You Cover

by Mia Shelton (Lana Del Rey Cover)

Hope you enjoy this little cover of Lana's beautiful song. This recording is very raw, done on my phone back when this song first came out. Just pretend you're sitting on the couch next to my piano with some nice chamomile tea and a soft blanket.